Sunday, April 20, 2008


Paul and i went and did Dracula the other night in perfect sunny conditions, it was however freezing in the wind on the top. Cheers to Rich for the pictures and the use of the nut key, much appreciated!Paul did the first pitch and set a usual house belay in fine form. All was fine untill the Elvis leg set in, in monumental style, that mixed with the final crux and off i came a metre from the finishing jug. I fell to where my feet had been and sure enough i found a foot hold i will be back hopefully this week as i know i have it in the bag.

There are two old blocks with chord through them hammered into the crack of Dracula presumably there from around the time of its first ascent, long story short it now has one block and Paul has a piece of lucky string to remember the day by... All i can say is that its the pumpiest E3 i have ever been on!

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